
Et udpluk af selskaber og foreninger der afholder møder og konferencer indenfor DSIF interessefelt

APIC - Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology, Annual Conference https://apic.org/

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Krankenhaushygiene e.V. https://www.krankenhaushygiene.de/informationen/

DSIF Dansk Selskab for Infektionsforebyggelse https://www.dsif.dk/ Du er her!

DSKM Dansk selskab for klinisk mikrobiologi https://dskm.dk/

EORNA 9th Congress of the European Operating Room Nurses Association https://www.eorna.eu/#

FIS Federation of Infection Societies https://event.federationinfectionsocieties.com/

Forum for Sygehus teknik og Arkitektur https://fsta.dk/

FSD Foreningen af Sygehusmaskinmestre i Danmark https://sygehusmaskinmestre.dk/

FSFH Fagligt Selskab for Hygiejnesygeplejersker, temadag https://dsr.dk/fs/fs36

FSSD Fagligt Selskab for Sterilcentraler i Danmark ("lille steriklub") https://www.fssd.dk/

HIS The Healthcare Infection Society https://www.his.org.uk/education-events/

IARMM International Association of Risk Management in Medicine https://iarmm.org/

ICPIC International Consortium for Prevention & Infection Control https://www.icpic.com/

ID-Week A Joint Meeting of The Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA), The Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America (SHEA), HIV Medicine Association (HIVMA) and The Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society (PIDS) LINK: https://www.idweek.org

IFIC International Federation of Infection Control https://theific.org/

IPAC Infection Prevention and Control Canada https://ipac-canada.org/

Nordisk hygiejnekonference https://nsfh-info.com/

NORNA Nordic Operating Room Nurses Association https://www.rfop.se/

NFSH Norsk Forum for smittevern i helsetjenesten https://www.smittevernforum.no/

SFVH Svensk Förening för Vårdhygien https://www.sfvh.se/

SASMO Fagligt Selskab for sygeplejersker ved steriliseringscentraler, ambulatorier, skade- og modtageafdelinger samt operationsgange https://dsr.dk/fs/fs2/kongresser/temadage

SHEA The Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America https://www.shea-online.org/

WFHSS World Federation for hospital Sterilization sciences https://wfhss.com/

9th Annual Infection Control, Sterilization and Decontamination in Healthcare Congress London